Lost and scared

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Trying to find meaning in life

I search beg and plead, just when I think life is taking a turn for the better, WHAM!!!!!!!!! Things go insane. I was working, happy, Leah is doing well. I became racked with pain and had to be taken to the hospital. the same crap. Tests and Bloodwork, scans and everything. Bone marrow biposies, spinal taps my body just felt like it was dying. I had a baby to care for I can't be sick. Finally the tests and stuff all led to one thing. AML. I have only shared this with a few very close friends and family. I start phase 1 of treatment on Monday Chemotherapy.  I am scared as hell.  I don't want to die at times I feel like I have been given a death sentence.  I just want to be a mum.  I want to have a normal life.  I DO NOT WANT TO BE SICK ANYMORE!!!!  I have very few friends.  I am losing more and more.  I just hate the way my life is going at times.  I sit and wonder is this all my fault did I cause this.

AML is Acute myeloid leukemia, cancer basically. Basically the Doctors have told me this. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is cancer that starts inside bone marrow, the soft tissue inside bones that helps form blood cells. The cancer grows from cells that would normally turn into white blood cells.

Acute means the disease develops quickly.

Persons with this type of cancer have abnormal cells inside their bone marrow. The cells grow very fast, and replace healthy blood cells. The bone marrow, which helps the body fight infections, eventually stops working correctly. Persons with AML become more prone to infections and have an increased risk for bleeding as the numbers of healthy blood cells decrease.

Most of the time, a doctor cannot tell you what caused AML. However, the following things are thought to lead to some types of leukemia, including AML:
Certain chemicals (for example, benzene)
Certain chemotherapy drugs, including etoposide and drugs known as alkylating agents
Problems with your genes may also play a role in the development of AML.
You have an increased risk for AML if you have or had any of the following:
A weakened immune system (immunosuppression) due to an organ transplant
Blood disorders, including:
Polycythemia vera
Essential thrombocythemia
Myelodysplasia (refractory anemia)
Exposure to radiation and chemicals

Th doctors feel my gaucher's disease contributed to this.  I just wish at times my body could be normal.

Treatment involves using medicines to kill the cancer cells. This is called chemotherapy. But chemotherapy kills normal cells, too. This really scares me.
Other treatments for AML may include:
Antibiotics to treat infection

Bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplant after radiation and chemotherapy

Red blood cell transfusions to fight anemia

Transfusions of platelets to control bleeding

When the signs and symptoms of AML go away, you are said to be in remission. Complete remission occurs in most patients.

With treatment, younger patients with AML tend to do better than those who develop the disease at an older age. The 5-year survival rate is much lower in older adults than younger persons. Experts say this is partly due to the fact that the body of a younger person can better tolerate strong chemotherapy medicines.

If the cancer does not come back (relapse) within 5 years of the diagnosis, you are considered permanently cured.

Complications of AML and cancer treatment include severe infections and life-threatening bleeding. Sometimes, the cancer comes back (relapses) after treatment.


Bleeding from the nose
Bleeding gums
Bone pain or tenderness
Heavy menstrual periods
Shortness of breath (gets worse with exercise)
Skin rash or lesion
Swollen gums (rare)
Weight loss

I have no idea where I go from here.  I pray and beg G-d for healing.  I want to better my daughter needs me I am all she has.  Now people are talking to me about wills, advance directives.  I am 22 yrs old I should not have to deal with this.  WHY?

If you are reading this, I hope you are a friend.  I need some.  I need help, to be lifted up, to be encourages, and to help me fight.  I really need this now more than ever.  

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