My Rabbi here came to visit we had a long talk about my life and the past, things I have done, things I have been through, my suicide attempts, my eating disorder, and my constant depression. He told me that my cancer is my punishment for disregarding G-d's law disgracing the temple of my body. I dunno if that is true or not but it is possible. My goodness, I have done horrific things, I took my life for granted. I partied, had sex, drank, complete disregard for all the things I was taught growing up in Jewish society. I think for awhile there I basically disobeyed mostly every Jewish law I had been taught. Maybe he is right maybe it is my punishment for taking the gift he gave me for granted.
I sit back at times and think of all the things I have yet to do. I made a list of all my must sees and must do things. Skydiving, Orbing, Old Trafford, The Pyramids (Aztec, Mayan, and Egyptian) Go back and walk in the footsteps of my ancestors in Israel, and also Germany, I want to see the Olympics (those who know me best know why), see a cricket match, float in the Dead Sea, Go to Australia and see kangaroos, Perform on a real Broadway or west end stage. Those are just a few, most importantly I want to hold my baby girl. I want to see her and feel her, smell her, let her know how much I love her, how hard I fought for her and how I will always love her. I pray fervently. It is my biggest wish. That and to be a wife someday. When I left home to become a University student, I never thought I would find satisfaction in anything but a career. I knew what I wanted, I knew my goals, I had tunnel vision. All those dreams have changed and turned, I want to be a wife and a mother more than anything right now. I would give everything up for that. A nice house somewhere. A loving husband and a beautiful family. Those are my dreams now. No more television reporting, or being a famous writer, I embrace and value the simplest of things now. Being thankful for every day I am given. We never know when our time will come. I beg for more time every day. We all want to leave our mark, I used to think my mark would be in journalism, acting, or writing. Now I know better my mark will be my beautiful daughter, hopefully I will be remembered for my capacity to love and forgive. We do not forgive for others we forgive for ourselves to get over the pain and move on. I have learned to do that. I do not hold a grudge any longer, because, we never truly know when those we love will be gone or when we ourselves shall cease to exist.
I leave you tonight with this: